Customer Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Muval

This website and its associated subdomains (Site) are owned and operated by Muval Pty Ltd (ABN 12 611 512 559) (Muval, we or us).

These Customer Terms and Conditions (Terms) govern the terms on which we provide the Platform and Services set out below to Customers (Customer, you or your).

These Terms must be read together with our:


All defined terms in these Terms have the meaning given in the Muval Glossary set out in clause 23 below.

1. These Terms

  1. These Terms, along with our Website Terms of Use, Policies and Cover Terms and Conditions (as applicable) together constitute a binding legal agreement between Muval (as provider of the Site and Services) and you (as a Customer) (Agreement).
  2. If you enter into this Agreement on behalf of another person or entity, then references in this Agreement to you will include you and that person or entity.
  3. We may vary these Terms (at any time and at our absolute discretion) by publishing the varied Terms on our Site, at which time they will become effective:
    1. for Users who communicate their acceptance of the amended Terms via the Platform, upon acceptance; and
    2. for all other Users, 28 days after the amended Terms are published on the Site.
  4. If you do not agree to any changes to these Terms of the kind referred to in clause 1(c), then you should immediately cease using the Platform and Services. We recommend you check our Site regularly to ensure you are aware of our current Terms.

2. Scope of Muval’s Services

Our Services comprise:

  1. the Platform (see clause 3);
  2. Move Assist Services (see clause 4);
  3. Muval Warranty (see clause 5);
  4. any other products, services, features, contests or promotions offered by us from time to time (Ancillary Products and Services).

3. Platform

  1. Platform

    Our Platform is a web-based platform supporting:

    1. the Muval online marketplace;
    2. a directory of Users;
    3. a matchmaking engine;
    4. a booking and scheduling engine.
  2. Using the Platform
    1. A Customer may access the Platform via our Site and use it to submit a request for Mover Services by entering their contact information and Move Details. Customers may use Muval’s Inventory Calculator Tool to assist in estimating the capacity required for their Move, or they may enter their required capacity directly.
    2. The Platform will match the Customer’s request with Movers who have indicated that they can provide the requested Mover Services and present the Customer with a list of Movers, available Move Dates, Quoted Prices for the Move, and the Movers’ terms and conditions.
    3. To confirm a booking, the Customer must register their confirmation via the Platform and pay the Move Fee in accordance with clause 11. Once confirmed:
      1. the Customer will be deemed to have made an offer to engage the Mover to provide the Mover Services in accordance with the Mover’s terms and conditions (Removal Contract);
      2. the Mover will be deemed to have accepted the Move in accordance with the Removal Contract when the Mover confirms the booking via the Platform, confirms the Move Dates and a confirmation message is sent to the Customer; and
      3. Muval will have rendered its Services to you.
    4. If a Mover is unable to carry out a Move, then the Mover must give reasonable notice to the Customer and Muval. In such circumstances, Muval may assist the Customer with booking an alternative Mover. If the Customer does not wish to engage an alternative Mover, then the Customer’s sole remedy is to cancel the booking for the Move in accordance with clause 14.
    5. Once a Move is complete, each Customer is encouraged to provide feedback on their experience via the Platform.
  3. ‘MuvExpress Booking’ process
    1. On booking a local or interstate Move, there may be the option to book a MuveXpress option. You will be asked to provide your preferred dates for the Move via the Reserve Move button on the platform. Any dates you provide are requests only and any dates we provide are estimates only.
    2. You will receive an email within 24-48 hours of submitting the request with the name and details of the allocated Mover which meets the Muval Approved Standard.
    3. Alternatively, if you would prefer to select the specific Mover from the outset, you are able to do this via the “Choose my mover” option, rather than using the MuvExpress Booking feature. In this case, the booking process will be the same as the interstate booking process outlined in clause (d) below.
    4. You will have 48 hours from receiving the details of the allocated Mover to either cancel or notify Muval that you would like to select a different specific Mover via the Platform. For the avoidance of doubt, if no such request is made within 48 hours of receiving the Mover’s name and details, you will be taken to have accepted your allocated Mover.
  4. Interstate Moves - booking process
    1. On booking an interstate Move, you will be presented with a number of different Mover profiles which you will be able to compare in order to decide on your selected Mover. You can select the specific Mover by pressing the Send Booking Request button.
    2. Once you have selected the Mover on the Platform, you will receive an email within 24-48 hours confirming whether or not the Mover has availability for your specific request.
  5. Mover Dates
    1. For both local bookings and interstate bookings, your Move Dates are not confirmed until the relevant Mover confirms the Move booking, and the Move Dates are communicated to you via a confirmation message.
    2. In selecting your preferred dates for your Move, Customers should be aware that different payment obligations and refund rights apply to:
      1. bookings where the Customer’s Move Date falls within 5 calendar days (inclusive) of the Confirmation Date (Short Notice Bookings); and
      2. bookings where the Customer’s Move Date falls on a date more than 5 calendar days after the Confirmation Date (Standard Bookings),
      as provided in clauses 11 to 14.
    3. If the Move Dates confirmed for your Move are not suitable or otherwise differ from the dates you have requested, you can contact the Mover directly to see if alternate dates are possible and more suitable. If you and your Mover cannot agree on a Move Date that works for both parties, then your sole remedy is to cancel the booking for the Move in accordance with clause 13.

4. Move Assist Services

  1. Muval may provide Move Assist Services to Customers from time to time. The Move Assist Services may include:
    1. contacting Customers to obtain Move Details and answering Customer questions;
    2. assisting Customers to tailor a service package for their Move, including sourcing a Mover to perform the Mover Services;
    3. providing a quote for the Move;
    4. monitoring the progress of the Move and providing the Customer with updates; and
    5. providing support services in relation to issues which arise during the Move.
  2. If, in the course of Muval providing Move Assist Services, a Customer books a Mover and pays the Move Fee, then Muval may enter the details of the Move into the Platform for the Customer. If we do, then the provisions of clauses 3 shall apply as if the booking, payment and Removal Contract were made via the Platform by the Customer themselves.
  3. Additional or alternative terms and conditions, including fees and charges may apply to our Move Assist Services. These will be provided with any quotation for such services.

5. Muval Warranty

If you elect to purchase Muval Warranty for your Move from Muval Cover Pty Ltd, then the Warranty Terms and Conditions (available at: will apply in addition to these Terms in relation to those Services.

6. Ancillary Products and Services

  1. Muval may offer Ancillary Products and Services from time to time.
  2. Additional or alternative terms and conditions, fees and charges may apply to our Ancillary Products and Services. These will be provided to you at the time those Ancillary Products and Services are made available.

7. Our Role and Obligations

  1. Muval’s role is that of an independent provider of the Platform and Services.
  2. In respect of this role, Muval disclaims all responsibility and liability including but not limited to and for:
    1. acting as, or on behalf of, any User, except as specifically required to process payment;
    2. any aspect of interactions between Users;
    3. the use of, accuracy of, or any estimates or quotations made using, the Inventory Calculator Tool;
    4. acting as an intermediary between Users, or assisting or involving itself in any dispute between Users, but we may elect to do so (at our absolute discretion) to improve User experience;
    5. the capacity of Users, including the ability of Movers to perform Mover Services and the ability of Customers to pay for Mover Services; or
    6. the accuracy of any information provided by Users.

8. Customer's Role and Obligations

  1. In using the Platform and Services, you must:
    1. be eighteen or older;
    2. comply with the terms of this Agreement and all applicable laws and regulations;
    3. act courteously and not in an inflammatory, harassing, defamatory or abusive way towards Muval staff or any other User;
    4. ensure that all information which you submit via the Muval Platform is accurate and kept up to date, and is not:
      1. potentially or actually harmful to Muval, any User or any other person;
      2. false, misleading or deceptive;
      3. fraudulent;
      4. used in any way that infringes on any proprietary or intellectual property rights; or
      5. in breach of any applicable law.
  2. You are solely responsible for your choice of Mover and your obligations under any applicable Removal Contract.
  3. Muval may, at our absolute discretion, refuse to allow any person to access the Platform or Services, and may cancel or suspend any existing User’s access to the Platform or Services, at any time.

9. Customer Representations and Warranties

You represent and warrant that:

  1. you are at least eighteen years old;
  2. you have the legal right and capacity to enter into a legally binding agreement with us on your own behalf (or on behalf of the person or entity you represent, as applicable); and
  3. any information which you have provided or will provide to us or via the Platform is true and accurate in all material respects.

10. Fees and Variations

  1. Quoted Price

    When you confirm your booking, we will provide you with the estimated total price of your Move calculated based on pricing information that the Mover has provided to Muval and the Move Details that you have provided to Muval (excluding any transaction fees charged by Muval’s third party payment services providers as set out in clause 10(c) below) (Quoted Price).

  2. Move Fee & Service Fee

    The Move Fee is the confirmed fee payable for your Move. The Move Fee may vary from time to time from the estimated Quoted Price. Our Service Fee is charged to Movers on confirmation of a Move booking.

  3. Payment Service Provider Fees

    In order to accept payment, Muval may engage third party payment service providers. These providers may charge transaction fees, depending on the payment method you choose. Any such fees will be displayed on the booking confirmation page.

  4. Variations

    The total Move Fee ultimately payable for your Move may differ from the Quoted Price provided to you upon booking confirmation. This may be due to a variation or adjustment made in accordance with the terms of your Removal Contract (a Variation).

    A Variation may occur, for example, if:

    1. the volume of items to be moved does not match the estimate provided by you or the Inventory Calculator Tool; or
    2. access to the items to be moved is made difficult by steep staircases or driveways.

    If your Mover identifies that a Variation to the Quoted Price is required, your Mover will give their reasons for why the Variation is required. Then, you will be asked to approve the proposed Variation.

    If you approve a Variation raised by your Mover and have communicated this approval, then any resultant increase or decrease in the Move Fee will be applied accordingly.

  5. Muval makes no representations, warranties or guarantees regarding any Variations to, the Move Fee. You are solely responsible for:
    1. ensuring that you provide complete and accurate Move Details to Muval and your chosen Mover; and
    2. understanding and confirming the terms of your Removal Contract with your chosen Mover.
  6. Unless otherwise stated, all amounts set out in these Terms or on the Platform are inclusive of GST.

11. Payment

  1. Different payment obligations will apply to a Move, depending on whether you have made a Standard Booking or a Short Notice Booking. For payment in relation to Employee Relocations clause 11A will apply.
  2. On the confirmation of a Standard Booking, you authorise Muval to process payment of:
    1. the Deposit – at the time of booking confirmation;
    2. the balance of the Quoted Price – on the date which is 5 days before your Move Date; and
    3. any Variation – within 10 days of Muval’s receiving written notice of the Variation.
  3. On the confirmation of a Short Notice Booking, you authorise Muval to process payment of:
    1. the Quoted Price – at the time of booking confirmation; and
    2. any Variation – within 10 days of Muval receiving written notice of the Variation.
  4. By using any payment method or providing payment details to pay for a Move, you represent and warrant that:
    1. you are legally authorised to use such payment method and provide such information, and that all information provided is accurate, complete and current;
    2. if you are acting on behalf of a person or entity that controls the payment method, you are authorised by that person or entity to use the payment method; and
    3. you have read, understand, and will comply with the terms and conditions of the third-party payment service provider which is processing your payment.

11A. Payment – Employee Relocations

  1. If you are booking an Employee Relocation you must advise Muval through the Move Assist Services team prior to finalising your booking. Muval will then confirm whether your Move qualifies as an Employee Relocation.
  2. In order to proceed with a valid Employee Relocation booking, you must arrange for your employer to provide written confirmation directly to Muval setting out the maximum amount your employer will pay towards the Move Fee, or confirmation your employer will cover the total Move Fee (Employer Contribution).
  3. On the confirmation of either a Standard Booking or Short Notice Booking Muval will invoice your employer for the Quoted Price, up to a Maximum of the Employer Contribution.
  4. Where the Employer Contribution is less than the Quoted Price, you must pay the balance to Muval as follows:
    1. for a Standard Booking – on the date which is 5 days before your Move Date; and
    2. for a Short Notice Booking - at the time of booking confirmation.
  5. Where there is a Variation and the sum of the Quoted Price and Variation is less than the Employer Contribution and your employer has authorised Muval to invoice for Variations, then Muval will advise you and will invoice your employer for the Variation. In all other circumstances you will be responsible for the cost of the Variation and you authorise Muval to proceed this payment within 10 days of Muval receiving written notice of the Variation.
  6. You authorise Muval to provide information in relation to the Move, including Move Details and the Move Fee to your employer.

12. Payment Agent

Each Customer acknowledges and agrees that, notwithstanding the fact that Muval is not a party to any Removal Contract, Muval acts as each Mover's payment collection agent for the limited purpose of accepting payments from Customers on behalf of the Movers. Upon a Customer's payment of the funds to Muval, the Customer's payment obligation to the Mover for the Move Fee is satisfied, and Muval is responsible for remitting the funds successfully received by Muval to the Mover in the manner described in these Terms. In the event that Muval does not remit any such amounts, the Mover's will have recourse only against Muval and not the Customer directly.

13. Cancellations and Refunds

  1. This clause 13 governs the terms on which Muval may refund all or part of the Move Fee, following cancellation of the Removal Contract applicable to that Move.
  2. The rights and obligations arising from the cancellation of a Removal Contract (including refunds of amounts paid under that agreement) will be governed by the terms of the applicable Removal Contract, except to the extent that they are inconsistent with these Terms.
  3. Other than as specifically set out in these Terms, and subject to your rights under any Non-Excludable Conditions, all fees and charges payable under these Terms are non-cancellable and non-refundable.
  4. Customer Cancellations
    1. If you have made a Standard Booking and cancel your Removal Contract:
      1. within 48 hours of the booking confirmation; or
      2. at least 21 days before the applicable Move Date,
      then Muval will provide reasonable assistance to you to recover a refund of the Move Fee from the Mover.
    2. If you have made a Short Notice Booking and cancel your Removal Contract, then the Move Fee is non-refundable.
  5. Mover Cancellations
    1. If your selected Mover:
      1. accepts the Move through the Platform, then cancels or fails to perform a Removal Contract; or
      2. fails to accept the Move through the Platform after reasonable attempts by Muval to contact them; or
      3. is not contactable to facilitate your Move after reasonable attempts to contact them,
    2. Muval is satisfied, at our absolute discretion, that the Move Fee should be returned to you, then Muval will provide reasonable assistance to you to recover a refund of the Move Fee from the Mover.
  6. Employer Contribution
    1. Any refund obtained under this clause that relates to an Employer Contribution will be refunded directly to your employer.

14. Our Liability

To the maximum extent permitted at law:
  1. Muval disclaims all implied warranties, including warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, due care and skill and non-infringement;
  2. Muval disclaims all liability for loss or damage (actual, special, direct, indirect and consequential) of every kind and nature whatsoever and howsoever caused or arising, including but not limited to loss or damage caused or arising from an authorised or unauthorised act or omission, contemplated or uncontemplated act or omission, known or unknown act or omission, negligence, breach and fundamental breach of contract, lack of fitness for purpose or otherwise related to or connected with:
    1. the supply of the Platform or Services or your suspension from access to the Platform or services;
    2. any transaction of any kind between Customers and Movers, including in relation to the terms of, performance or non-performance of, payment under, or liability arising from the Removal Contract;
    3. any transaction of any kind between a Customer and any third party; or
    4. any damage of any kind to property, or personal injury, caused or incurred by any User or third party.
  3. Muval disclaims all liability for indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any kind (including, without limitation, lost profits or lost savings) relating to the Platform or Services;
  4. In all cases where liability cannot be excluded by this agreement as provided herein because of mandatory applicable statute or law, Muval’s liability to any User of any Service is limited to the total amount of payments made by that User to Muval during the twelve-month period prior to any incident causing the liability of Muval, or $100, whichever is greater;
  5. Muval’s liability to any User in relation to a breach of any Non-Excludable Condition (other than a Non-Excludable Condition that by law cannot be limited) is limited, at our option to any one of resupplying, replacing or repairing, or paying the cost of resupplying, replacing or repairing goods in respect of which the breach occurred, or supplying again or paying the cost of supplying again, services in respect of which the breach occurred; and
  6. Muval shall not be liable to any User for any delay or non-performance of our obligations under our Agreement arising from any cause beyond our control including, without limitation, act of God, governmental act, war, fire, flood, explosion or civil commotion.
  7. It is hereby agreed between the Customer and Muval that their right to compensation for any claim for loss or damage will only be maintained provided the following is strictly adhered to:
    1. Any claim by the Customer for loss or damage must be lodged in writing to Muval within 7 days of the date the Move or the Services are completed, whichever date occurs first;
    2. Any claim by the Customer for loss/non-delivery of Goods must be notified in writing to the Company within 60 days from the date the items subject of the Move should have been delivered or the Services should have been completed, whichever date occurs first;
    3. Any right to any legal remedy by the Company or the Customer against the other shall be extinguished unless legal proceedings are brought against the other within 9 months from the date of this contract.
  8. Negotiation of Extension of Liability
    1. Upon negotiation with the Customer in writing, the Company may agree to greater responsibility and liability than set out in the sub-paragraphs (a) to (g) of the above provision upon payment of additional charges by the Customer as required. Applicable rates for greater responsibility and liability are subject of discussion and negotiation between the parties.
    2. Should the Customer not choose nor the parties agree to the Company taking greater responsibility and liability for the Services for additional charge pursuant to subparagraph (a) above, the parties agree that the Company provides a lower cost service on the premise that it has the right to exclude or limit liability and/or seek indemnity as provided for in this Agreement.
    3. Additionally, or alternatively, the Customer may choose and agree with the Company at extra cost as advised by the Company that the Company provide one of two conditional warranties with warranty limit that the Company provides in respect of loss or damage to Goods subject to the Company’s warranty terms and conditions (“WTCs”) (see and which if applicable are supplementary terms to this agreement and incorporated herein.
    4. Depending on the level of responsibility and liability or warranty cover agreed or arranged as between the Customer and the Company pursuant to sub-paragraphs (a) to (c) above, the Customer may need to consider seeking its own insurance cover for loss or damage it may incur that is not fully indemnified by the Company or warranties as agreed. No insurance will be arranged or effected by the Company on the Customer’s behalf.

15. Your Liability

To the maximum extent permitted at law, you will be responsible and liable to us for all actions, claims, proceedings, costs, damages, losses and expenses (including, without limitation, legal fees) incurred by us, and each of our officers, directors, employees and agents, arising out of, or in any way connected with:

  1. your use of the Platform or Services;
  2. your breach of these Terms;
  3. your breach of a Removal Contract; or
  4. your breach of any applicable laws.

16. Trade Practices

  1. These Terms do not affect the Customer’s rights pursuant to the Australian Consumer Law (“ACL”) if the Customer is a “Consumer” or a “Small Business” and this agreement with the Customer is a “Consumer Contract” or “Small Business Contract”– all quoted terms as defined under the ACL. To the extent that any term or a part thereof is rendered inapplicable or void by application of the ACL or any other legislation, it shall be rendered inapplicable or void only to the extent required to give effect to that legislation but not further.
  2. If the Customer is a “Consumer” or “Small Business” and this agreement is a “Consumer Contract” or a “Small Business Contract” as defined under the ACL, the parties agree that:
    1. the Company’s right to limit or exclude liability in this Agreement is reasonable and not “unfair” in circumstances where prior to the provision of the Services, the parties agree on the allocation of costs, risks and liability where:
      1. the Company has given the Customer a reasonable opportunity to request that the Company take a higher level of risk and liability at a higher cost;
      2. the Customer chooses and agrees to a lower cost for a lower level of risk and liability level from the Company; and
      3. such practice is not otherwise “unfair” as defined under the ACL
    2. the Customer’s liability referred under Clause 15 above will not apply to the extent that the claim, loss, damage, payment, expense, cost or other liability incurred by the Company resulted from the negligence, recklessness or wilful act of the Company, its servants or agents.
    3. the Company’s right to exclude liability for indirect or consequential losses referred in Clause 14 a. ii. above will not apply in circumstances where the Company, its servants or agents actually knew that such loss or damage could be incurred.

17. Mover Insurance

Muval requires all Movers to hold goods in transit insurance and public liability insurance covering the Mover and its staff and contractors in all regions and locations that the Mover providers Mover Services, as a condition of providing Mover Services via Platform. However, Muval does not represent, warrant or guarantee that any particular Mover’s insurance covers any particular User or is adequate or appropriate for any Move.

18. Termination

  1. Muval may at our absolute discretion immediately terminate any agreement with you under these Terms at any time upon notice to you, suspend your access to the Platform or Services, and remove any content you have uploaded to the Platform.
  2. Termination of these Terms does not affect any Removal Contract that has been formed between Users.
  3. Clauses 8, 14, 15, 16, 17 this clause 18 and any other terms which by their nature should continue to apply, will survive any termination or expiration of these Terms.

19. Jurisdiction

These Terms are governed by the law of Queensland, Australia and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts exercising jurisdiction in that State.

20. Notices

Except as stated otherwise, any notices must be given by email to [email protected].

21. General Provisions

  1. Entire Agreement: Each party has relied entirely on its own enquiries in entering into this Agreement and affirm that it contains the whole agreement between them, superseding all prior oral and written communications.
  2. Other Acts: Each party must:
    1. use its best efforts to promptly do all things reasonably necessary to give full effect to these Terms; and
    2. obtain and maintain all consents, approvals and authorities necessary for any party to perform its obligations under these Terms.
  3. Severance: The provisions of these Terms are severable, and if any one or more provisions may be determined to be judicially unenforceable, in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall be binding and enforceable.
  4. Waiver: any failure by a party to enforce that party's rights under these Terms and any forbearance delay or indulgence granted by that party to any other party shall not be construed as a waiver of that party's rights under these Terms.
  5. Costs: Each party will pay their own costs in relation to these Terms.

22. Interpretation

  1. headings are for ease of reference only and do not affect interpretation
  2. the singular includes the plural and vice versa, and a gender includes other genders;
  3. if a word or phrase is defined, its other grammatical forms have a corresponding meaning;
  4. a reference to a person, corporation, trust, partnership, unincorporated body or other entity includes any of them;
  5. a reference to a clause or schedule is a reference to a clause of, or a schedule to, this document;
  6. a reference to an agreement or document is to the agreement or document (or schedule) as amended, varied, supplemented, novated or replaced, from time to time;
  7. a reference to a party to an agreement or document includes that party’s successors, permitted substitutes and permitted assigns (and, where applicable, that party’s legal personal representatives);
  8. a reference to legislation or to a provision of legislation includes a modification or re-enactment of it, a legislative provision substituted for it and a regulation or statutory instrument issued under it;
  9. a reference to conduct includes, without limitation, an omission, statement or undertaking, whether or not in writing;
  10. a reference to dates and times are to those dates and times in New South Wales;
  11. a reference to “dollars”, “$” or an amount of money is to Australian currency;
  12. the meaning of general words is not limited by specific examples introduced by “including”, “for example” or similar expressions; and
  13. a rule of construction does not apply to the disadvantage of a party because the party was responsible for the preparation of this document or any part of it.

23. Muval Glossary

means the Australian Consumer Law (“ACL”) being Schedule 2 of the Australian Competition & Consumer Act 2010 (“CCA”)
means the agreement between Muval and each Customer, comprised of these Terms, our Policies and other terms which may apply in respect of the specific Services which we provide.
Ancillary Products and Services
has the meaning given in clause 2(d).
means a User seeking Mover Services via the Platform.
means, in respect of a Move, a charge representing 30% of the Move Fee for that Move.
Employee Relocation
means a Move where your employer has an executed agreement in place with Muval under which your employer agrees to pay some or all of the Move Fee on your behalf directly to Muval.
Inventory Calculator
means the tool of that name available via the Platform.
means the removal, freight or transport of Customer property from one address to another, or otherwise as part of one job, undertaken by a Mover.
Move Assist Services
has the meaning given in clause 2(b).
Move Date
means the calendar date of the Move.
Move Details
means the information required by the Mover to arrange the Move, including Customer contact details, pick-up and delivery addresses, volume and types of goods to be moved, preferred Move Date.
Move Fee
means the Mover’s fees and our Service Fee in respect of a Move.
means a User offering Mover Services via the Platform.
Mover Services
means the provision of backload truck, rail or container space to move goods from one location to another, together with any other services offered by a Mover to facilitate a Move.
Muval Cover
means insurance products and services offered via the Platform.
Muval Warranty
means warranty(s) offered via the Platform.
Non-Excludable Condition
means any implied condition, warranty or guarantee in a contract, the exclusion of which would contravene the law or cause any part of the contract to be void.
means the web-based platform of that name operated by Muval and described in clause 3.
means our Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy and any other policy that we publish from time to time.
Quoted Price
has the meaning given in clause 10(a).
Removal Contract
has the meaning given in clause 3(b).
Service Fee
means that part of the Move Fee that Muval charges a Mover as payment for the Services.
means the services set out in clause 2.
Short Notice Booking
has the meaning given in clause 3(e)(ii).
means and any associated subdomains.
Standard Booking
has the meaning given in clause 3(e)(ii).
means these Customer Terms and Conditions.
means any users of the Platform and/or Services, including both Customers and Movers.
has the meaning given in clause 10(d).
Warranty Terms and Conditions
(“WTCs”) are the terms and conditions on which Muval provides the Customer a Warranty(s) which if applicable are supplementary to these Terms and incorporated herein.

Last updated: 30th April, 2024