Hervey Bay to Ballarat Interstate Removalists.

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How much space do I need to book?

The cost of your Hervey Bay to Ballarat interstate removalists move will depend on how much space (measured in cubic meters) you will need in the removalists' truck, in addition to factoring in any difficulties with accessing your pickup and delivery locations.

Estimated space needed: ~35m3

Calculations are based on industry-standard, generic calculators and should be used as a guide only. This information does not constitute a fixed quote.

I'm moving my
A few items of furniture
A moderate amount of furniture
A lot of furniture

Estimated space needed: ~35m3

What's included?

Every Hervey Bay to Ballarat interstate removalists booking through Muval comes with the following benefits:

We've mastered moving interstate from Hervey Bay to Ballarat

We've booked thousands of interstate removalists for our customers.
That experience is why 9.4/10 people who use Muval would recommend our services to a friend or family member.

Two guys sitting on the floor of their apartment with Muval moving boxes

How does it work?


Tell us what you're moving

Provide some basic information about your move. Our platform automatically calculates the space required for your items.


Choose your interstate furniture removalist

We'll find availability by searching dozens of quality Hervey Bay to Ballarat removalists within our network. You can filter by dates, price, rating and more to find the best moving company to suit your move.


Include other services

Make sure the lights and internet are working at your new home by adding connections (plus a range of other services) to your order.


Book online, instantly

There’s no waiting for removalists to come back with quotes or waiting on hold to your energy provider. When you're ready, book your move in the click of a button.

The best Hervey Bay to Ballarat interstate removalists are here

Find the best interstate removalists Hervey Bay to Ballarat can offer with Muval, compare instant prices, read reviews and book online.
Book with confidence that you'll get exceptional service and care at a great price.

Two removalists moving boxes up stairs

Why our removalists are different

Muval removalists are a new standard for quality and care.

Each furniture removals company available on our platform must pass our 7-step verification process. We also conduct regular audits and check-ups to make sure vital insurances are up-to-date, and quality standards are being upheld. Many of our removalists are also members of the Australian Furniture Removalists Association (AFRA).

When you book your removalist with Muval, you get a company that cares about going the extra mile to make sure your next move is an easy one.

It's moving, the way it should be.

Don't take our word for it

Our customers have given us a 5 gold stars icon 4.8 (1171) rating on Google reviews

gold quotation marks

Super helpful. Took the stress out of moving. Organised reliable movers, movers had great communication. Prices were upfront. No hidden costs.

— Paul Clarke

5 gold stars
Male Muval customer looking at the camera smiling

Frequently asked questions

Learn from the moving experts. Can't find an answer? Call us on: 1300 168 825

If you change your list of items or space required to an increased amount, the removalist will adjust the price accordingly. It is advisable to inform Muval as soon as you know that your moving volume has increased. This way, we can plan to avoid any items being left behind on the move day. Please contact Muval about two days before your move once you have finished packing; this way, we can give the correct information to the removalist company before the day. 

Yes. This varies depends on which company you are using. Usually, the minimum charge is based on the cost of transporting 5 cubic metres.

It is preferred if you or your representative to be present at the pickup and drop off.

If you have booked the shared truck option, then yes. If you have booked a premium option, then you will not be sharing the truck. 

The cost for your local move will depend on how long your move takes. Some dishonest moving companies quote very cheap hourly or half-hourly rates to get your job, and then work slowly on the day or surprise you with additional charges in order to make more money.

Unless they are running a limited special offer, most honest removal companies need to charge at least $45 per half hour or more in order to pay their staff (two people usually come to load and unload the truck for you), pay their insurances, and make sure their trucks are serviced regularly.

We only work with experienced and reputable moving companies and its in their best interests to pack accurately in the trucks for two main reasons:

  1. It maximizes the space available.
  2. A tight well-loaded vehicle ensures less movement and motion on the road/rail. 

Packing and unpacking boxes for your house is not usually included by default when you book a removalist. This is a service that needs to be booked separately (you can do this through Muval) or done yourself, and is best arranged for a day or two before your removalist is scheduled to do your uplift.

In our experience, people always dramatically under estimate the time it takes to pack their house, and it's usually one of the most burdensome tasks of moving! If you're packing yourself, make sure you start early and do a couple of boxes a day. Otherwise, save yourself the hassle and book packing services through Muval. Your future self will thank you.

Each company has differing policies about notification before the pickup and delivery. Some companies can provide a time window on booking, others provide this the day before, while others will provide notice within an hour of their arrival. 

Our top tips and tricks for moving

Read our best tips and tricks on everything from saving money when moving to how to get your family organised.

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